Check guests in, and let your worries check out.

Verify guest identification, send rental agreements, and collect fees, and deposits, all on one platform.

Signing contract with partner



What is automated guest screening?

A proper guest screening process assesses reservations in a nondiscriminatory and unbiased way.

It analyzes objective data points to determine the reservation’s risk level, these include the booking details, the guest’s identity, their location and their online presence.

By collecting additional information, you gain insights into the reservation that you wouldn’t otherwise have, such as the guest’s credit score and criminal record. But gathering and verifying this information requires a lot of work.

How does it work?





Upon receiving a booking confirmation on any online travel agency, tell to send a text message and/or email to your travelers asking them to sign a rental agreement, input credit card information, and upload a photo ID.

Anytime before arrival, travelers will send your rental agreement or terms of service, input a credit card fees and incidentals, and upload a copy of their ID.​

For added security, you can also ask to perform an automatic background check on all guest, flagging convicted felons. securely encrypts and stores all personal information. Viewing access can then be given to select team members, property managers, and any interested party on an ongoing or case by case basis.​


Group 1045
Book safe & reliable guests

Upon receiving a booking confirmation on any online travel agency, tell to send a text message and/or email to your travelers asking them to sign a rental agreement, input credit card information, and upload a photo ID.

Group 1007
Contactless verification

Check-in guests online prior to arrival entirely contact-free.

Group 988
Decrease chargeback

Reduce fraudulent claims and collect customer signature, ID, and personal information to win friendly fraud chargebacks.


Plan & Price

Group 403
$ 7.50 Per booking
  • Additional fees
  • Security deposit
  • ID verification
  • Background check

Integrations & Partners

Booking Icon
Airbnb icon
Hostify Logo
Stripe Icon
A icon
Expedia Icon
Tripadvisor Icon
Api Icon
Mercado Pago Icon
Twilio Icon